B2C Tessa Consumer goods and Retail

Media database for Edeka

Edeka Nordbayern-Sachsen-Thüringen
  • High degree of system individualization
  • Hosted on-premise
  • Over 3,000 TESSA users
  • Single Sign On connection

Company profile

The EDEKA Group of Companies Northern Bavaria-Saxony-Thuringia with headquarters in Rottendorf is one of seven regional groups of companies of the EDEKA group. The Group supplies around 900 retail stores in Franconia, Upper Palatinate, Saxony, Thuringia and northern Baden-Württemberg and is the largest local food supplier in the region with over 860 stores.

  • Sales in EUR billion 4,80+
  • Employees 50.000+
  • Brands 860+


The company Edeka Nordbayern-Sachsen-Thüringen planned to centrally manage its group-wide management of all digital assets such as images, videos and PDFs through a media database. For this purpose, Edeka has evaluated various DAM systems and opted for a strong regional partner, EIKONA Media, with a corresponding DAM solution. The possibility of high individualization, SSO connection and no restrictions on the number of users are among other reasons why TESSA DAM is used in the enterprise version.


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    Software development
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    Tessa DAM

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