Manage digital media centrally with Tessa DAM

As the manufacturer of one of the leading Digital Asset Management solutions in Germany, we support our customers in the area of DAM services.

  • Our experts

    DAM & PIM Consultant
    Years DAM/PIM experience
    Years Online Marketing
    Years on the web

    A few words about Andreas

    For over 25 years, our data uncle has been helping companies increase their sales with the help of product data. The passionate wanderer is on fire for DAM and PIM.
  • Our experts

    Years of DAM experience
    Million assets imported
    Years of abstinence
    from alcohol

    A few words about Torsten

    Torsten co-founded EIKONA in 2001 and established the digital marketing and eCommerce division. Since then, there have been many changes. His focus remains on making data accessible and usable through modern platforms, such as our TESSA.
  • Our experts

    Head of Operations
    Tessa projects
    Years of PM experience
    Jira tickets edited

    A few words about Thomas

    As a real controlling talent, Thomas takes care of the numbers in our projects. In his spare time, the always good-humored Euerfeld native can be found doing handicrafts, in the kitchen or in nature.
  • Our experts

    Years of Shopware experience
    Years of
    software de­velopment
    Shopware plugins developed

    A few words about Mario

    35 years of experience in development, the go-to person for everything... whether it's Tessa, Oskar, Shopware, or DevOps – nothing is a challenge for him. On weekends, you're more likely to find him at the campground than at the computer.

Our TESSA services

As a manufacturer of TESSA, you get the best DAM service with us. Contact us now!

  • support_agent


    Our experienced team of DAM consultants advises you on the technical implementation and integration into your system landscape.

  • tips_and_updates


    We analyze your processes and requirements and create a completely individual DAM concept for TESSA.

  • cast_for_education

    Training seminars

    We provide comprehensive training - remotely or on-site - to all key users on how to use TESSA and prepare them for daily use.

  • done_all


    We install and configure TESSA based on the developed DAM concept, on-premise or in the cloud.

  • hub


    We connect TESSA via our connectors with Akeneo or other systems such as ERP, CMS, CDN or stores.

  • folder_copy

    Data Management

    We'll help you with asset import, asset migration, data quality, and diverting your digital media.

  • palette


    We are the manufacturer of TESSA and can customize our digital management system according to almost any special request.

  • group_add

    Role concepts

    Together we develop an individual authorization concept according to your requirements in the DAM system.

  • waterfall_chart

    Process Management

    We support you in the development and configuration of individual media workflows in TESSA.

Our TESSA customers

Why EIKONA Media?

TESSA is our own product!

We know each other very well

  • Manufacturer

    We were able to lay the foundation for TESSA in our agency from past projects. In the meantime, we have created one of the leading DAM platforms.

  • Akeneo

    Thanks to our long-standing partnership with Akeneo and the wealth of experience gained from it, we have fully integrated TESSA into the Akeneo PIM.

  • Credentials

    In over 20 years, we have successfully completed more than 50 DAM projects worldwide. From medium-sized companies to large corporations.

This is how we work at the

Digital Asset Management Onboarding

We know that transparency is an important factor for trust. Here is a sample process!

  • 1. Kick-off

    Requirements and project goals are defined in a 1 to 2 day scoping workshop.
  • 2. Media import

    We import and categorize the client's digital media from all existing sources.
  • 3. Product links

    If the customer wants to use TESSA with Akeneo, we create product links to the media based on defined rules.
  • 4. User roles

    Together with the customer, we develop a rights and roles concept tailored to the respective organization.
  • 5. Media portals

    Together with the customer, our consultants conceive the design of the TESSA media portals. Designs for multiple brand portals can be created here.
  • 6. Trainings

    Remotely or on-site, our DAM experts provide extensive training to a defined group of users.

You have a question? The answer is YES!

These are the most common questions we receive from you in the TESSA context.

  • Can you also install TESSA on my own server?
  • Do I have a fixed contact person?
  • Can I connect TESSA to all Akeneo editions via the connector?
  • Is there a free 30-day trial period for TESSA?

Not just customers. Partners & Friends.

  • Myriam Bohr
    Digital Marketing Manager
    C. Josef Lamy GmbH
    TESSA the perfect match for our PIM system, Akeneo.
    TESSA is an important tool for us worldwide. In combination with the connector, TESSA creates the perfect match to our PIM system, Akeneo. EIKONA Media thus helped us to digitalize our processes even more worldwide and to achieve a significant improvement in time-to-market.
  • Lea Renner
    Head of Marketing
    Positec Germany GmbH
    TESSA saves us an enormous amount of time in our daily tasks.
    TESSA saves us an enormous amount of time in our daily tasks. Product images and other marketing content can now be stored and found centrally. This means that they can be downloaded in the desired format by colleagues, but also by external agencies. The TESSA Pro portal is also very practical for our B2B management.
  • Oliver Kleinjans
    Teamleader Sales Master Data Management
    SLV GmbH
    I have rarely witnessed such a relaxed system introduction!
    The changeover to Tessa as the new digital asset management system went completely smoothly. I have rarely experienced such a relaxed system introduction! The thing was up and running in less than two months!

We are looking forward to getting to know you.

Please add 4 and 3.

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